How Expropriate

How Expropriate

You will not see anything of this headline mentioned in major US newspapers or cable news stations, and you will not even find a US-based media outlet covering it if you do a Google search. Why? That is a good question and I have my suspicions, but first read the facts.

Other articles by Mark Klages

When Good Deeds Go Bad

Good deeds can go bad. Such appears to be the case with Johnny Bobbitt and his involvement with Kate McClure, a Good Samaritan who has allegedly squandered more than $200,000 in special donations on a car and lavish vacations.

McCain was a Maverick, but Paul was a Murderer

By now most everyone has at least heard about, and likely had the opportunity to initially process, the news of Sen. John McCain's III (R-Ariz.) death on Saturday, August 25 from aggressive glioblastoma. Over the last 18 hours, McCain has been called a "War hero" by CNN politics and a "maverick" by ...

Love Still Overcomes

Last year, a homeless former Marine helping a stranded motorist with his last $20. In return, a "" page was setup for him that raised over $400,000 to reward his kindness. But the story does not end there. Now, Bobbitt claims he does not have access to half the money and McClure is ...

Blind Devotion or Just Plain Blind?

Here's the thing. That whole idea of "blind devotion to duty" is wrong. It's a fallacy. It is laziness and poor judgment rolled into an excuse to not think or be responsible for one's own actions. Marines don't blindly follow orders. Marines have faith in their leadership, but back that faith up ...

Dark POTUS, Season 1 Episode 3

In the third installment of what is becoming an ongoing series of semi-political Christian posts, I want to address the current situation in our Government of the President revoking the security clearance of former Director of the CIA, John Brennan. The question we'll answer today, "With the ...

We Are Failing Our Children!

Football season is upon us! A few days ago, we drove two hours to watch my son's final football scrimmage before the high school season begins. As the teams warmed up, the PA system blared motivational music meant to get everyone in the football mood. The problem is, every song they played had ...

Where Did the Truth Go?

As a Christian I find it disheartening that the loudest voices are those being broadcast regardless of the veracity of their content. But I also find it somewhat comforting.

Flying Too Close to the Sun

The Greek Myth of Icarus comes to mind while reading a recent CNN article about NASA launching a probe, the Parker Solar Probe, to fly "closer to the sun than any spacecraft has ever reached." Parker's mission is to enable NASA to study solar winds before plunging deep into the sun's corona on a ...

Preaching to the Choir

America is at a crossroads with Christian values being rejected at every turn; wisdom being shunned in favor of mass popularity; and everyone closing their ears and minds, choosing offense over intelligent discourse. And Donald Trump was raised to the Presidency for such a time as this.

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