Other articles by Mark Klages

Racism – Let It Go

I grew up and still live in an impoverished rural area where the mean family income is below the poverty line. My state ranks in the bottom five percent in the nation in education, income, and opportunity, and we are number one in per capita drug use. But despite my upbringing or life experiences, ...

Let Him Without Sin Cast the First Stone

Ben Shapiro recently cited an article from the UK Daily Mail wherein a 69 year-old mother of a 47 year-old man with Down's syndrome reflected on her life, wishing she had aborted her baby. Why? Because he made her life harder than it might have been and because he has not had the quality of life ...

A Tale of Two Mites

This is a tale of two fathers. Both are black, from the city, proud fathers, and go the extra mile for special people in their lives. Both work hard for every penny they have, but that is where the similarities end. This is a story of the widow's mite, with a twist.

Controversy or Christian Fruits?

Some NFL characters seem to gravitate to controversy while others simply find themselves in situation after situation they cannot avoid. Take New York Giants' wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. Last year he was making headlines for his spat with the President. This year headlines are about his ...

The Dark POTUS Rises

Do you ever wonder when our Batman is going to appear? I mean, in just the last week we've seen President Trump meet with Russian President Putin and reject FBI evidence of election meddling, only to later say he recognized FBI evidence; consider revoking security clearances of former national ...

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