This morning, after more than a week of negotiations between Senate leadership and Ms. Christina Blasey Ford, the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh, another accusation of sexual misconduct arises to delay the confirmation process for Kavanaugh. This time, even the New York Times recognized that an ...
One headline reads, "Megachurch pastor charged with defrauding elderly investors," while a post on social media titled, "God commands me to buy a plane," gets hundreds of thousands of hits and nearly as many thumbs down. Each man has arguably advanced the cause of Christ's Kingdom here on Earth. ...
The case for legalizing marijuana in the US to include the increasingly popular Cannabidiol (CBD), for medical and recreational use, is growing. The primary argument for legalization stems around the increasing number of Americans who are using or addicted to stronger prescription opioids and ...
A lot can happen in a week. The last time I wrote to you, we were commemorating the 17th anniversary of the worst terror attack on US soil. Since then, I became a grandfather for the first time, America renewed its fascination with—and erected an artificial wall of disgust in— games we played as ...
How did we get here? How did we go from the free love movement of the 1960's where bras were burned and busses were transformed into homes for anyone from anywhere, to not being able to support Christian broadcasting without being offensive?
Tay Tay sings on the radio "And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate" – and I am reminded quickly how men of my generation should never say the words, "Tay Tay." How about another name with double "T's," like Tim Tebow and the Tim Tebow Foundation?
"Where was God then and where is God now?" Americans ask that question every September 11th and after every major tragedy—hurricanes, mass shootings, wildfires. "Where is God!" they cry.
To be honest, I had zero, zip, zilch, nada, no intention whatsoever in addressing, using breath on, giving attention to, opining or commenting on the recent conflagration that is Nike, Colin Kaepernick, and the NFL. Seriously.