Android 5.0 Lollipop Update on HTC One M8 Download: New OS Now Available - Here's What to Expect
Just a day after the release of the Android 5.0 Lollipop OS by Google, Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer, HTC, announced that it would update the operating system on its flagship devices to the just-released Android version. On its Twitter account, HTC confirmed that it had acquired the Lollipop source code and would update the HTC One M8 and HTC One M7 OS within 90 days.
Prior to the release, HTC had expressed its excitement about the new features that Lollipop was to bring and would begin updating devices in the HTC One series to the new OS upon receiving the software from Google.
The tech giant's product management vice president, Mo Versi, announced on January 13 that the Android 5.0 Lollipop update for the HTC One M8 would be available for the unlocked and developer versions of the handset. He confirmed via his Twitter account that HTC had received Technical Acceptance from Google and the Lollipop OS would now be available for the device via over-the-air update. Users in regions where the update has been released have stated that the update file is approximately 650MB in size.
Lollipop brings a new refreshing experience to smartphone users. The new version has a finer user interface when working on 'Easy Mode' and also sees smoother transitions across the gadget's features due to the enhanced material design. The new lock screen displays notifications that can be disabled from appearing on the screen or limited as the user desires.
The new OS has enhanced display depth effects that will improve screen lighting and better color contrast. It features larger font sizes and icons that will come in handy for users with poor eyesight.
Users will also enjoy an extended battery life in their handsets due to the incorporation of Project Volta optimizations. The upgrade also sees a more appealing notification tray and the smartphone can remember recently used applications even after booting the device.