Terror alert heightened after ISIS U.S. 'voting guide' calls for 'blood' of Muslims, Christians & mothers at polls

by Gregory Tomlin, |
Supporters await U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during a a rally at Atlantic Aviation in Moon, Pennsylvania, on November 6, 2016. | REUTERS/Mark Makela

WASHINGTON (Christian Examiner) – Just after the FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a terror alert for Nov. 7 (the day before the U.S. presidential election), the Islamic State published a voting guide – of sorts.

This one is not about selecting the best candidate. It is aimed at terrifying women, Christians and, interestingly, Muslims who adopt the values of democracy.

Portions of the 7-page publication from the Islamic State's Al-Hayat Media group were reprinted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and its Joint Terrorism Threat Monitor Nov. 5. The vast majority of the writing condemns U.S. Muslims for participating in free elections. It also calls them "apostates" who are pitting their wills against Allah's and says, because they are working against Allah, they should be killed.

As it is clear that the voter is a part of the taghut [rebellion] of democracy – 'the power of the people' – and that the voters are directly involved in the decision making process by choosing delegates to represent them and their whims executively, judicially, and legislatively, the blood of Crusader voters is even more deserving of being spilled than the blood of Crusader combatants.

The piece describes American political life as divided along an axis with two pagan camps – the Republicans and Democrats. It also laments Muslim's past support of George W. Bush, who is called both a hypocrite and a sort of high priest of the Republican religion. It criticizes Muslims for pushing Florida into the Bush column in 2000.

But it also criticizes Muslim support for Obama.

"Obama invaded Iraq and Sham [Syria], backed the Jewish state and Arab tyrants, interfered in Libya (fearing the arising and spreading of jihad, just as Clinton had done in the Balkans), continued Bush's drone strikes and proxy wars in Yemen, Afghanistan, and Somalia, and preserved Guantanamo Bay, breaking almost every election promise he had made, something that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would undoubtedly do just as their predecessors had done before them," the article said.

The writing condemns both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for their commitment to the Jewish state and vows to continue the war against Islam. The ISIS writers claim Clinton is more skilled at being politically correct, "giving her leverage in the sorcery of hypocrisy." They also call her a feminist and warn that Muhammad forbade women from leading.

"As for Trump, he has yet to learn that what he refers to as 'radical Islamic terrorism' in nothing but the teachings of Islam, plain and simple. No adjective needs to precede Islam to describe the just terror it incites," the jihadists wrote.

The strongest criticism in the piece, however, is not reserved for a person. It is reserved for a way of political life. Democracy is the true enemy of Islam, they claim, and Shari'a law prevents participation in any form of government except an Islamic theocracy.

"Accordingly, human legislators, manmade laws, modern constitutions, judges who rule thereby, and rulers who enforce such upon others are all tawaghit [tyrants] whom the Muslim must disassociate from and disbelieve in. Throughout history, legislative tawaghit existed mainly in the forms of clergies and monarchies, with their flocks and subjects worshiping them through obedience and following. It was not until democracy was innovated and practiced by the pagan Greeks and Romans that the commoner became a participant in legislation itself. The false 'gods' thereby grew in number from regime and clergy members to include all voters of the citizenry, as democracy is 'the rule of the people.' According to this pagan creed, the people are the ultimate judge, all power is theirs, and they alone have the right to legislate," the article said.

According to ISIS, those who vote, even if Muslim, are secularists and are no longer monotheists. They are polytheists who allow many individuals to challenge the laws of God. Legislation, they wrote, is Allah's alone, and "not for the people, nor the constitution of the people, nor the representatives of the people."

Muslims who believe they can peacefully co-exist with Christians and Jews are also not following Allah, the ISIS writers claim. The Quran, they argue, forbids taking either as an ally. They were especially critical of any Muslim support for the candidate who has threatened the deportation of illegal immigrants – Donald Trump.

In the conclusion of the article, ISIS warns that its operatives "have come to slaughter you and smash your ballot boxes" to turn the 2016 presidential election into "a dreadful calamity like no other." The prophet Muhammad commanded this, they claim.

"As it is clear that the voter is a part of the taghut [rebellion] of democracy – 'the power of the people' – and that the voters are directly involved in the decision making process by choosing delegates to represent them and their whims executively, judicially, and legislatively, the blood of Crusader voters is even more deserving of being spilled than the blood of Crusader combatants," they wrote.

"The same would apply to the blood of female voters, as they are no longer mere wives serving Crusader husbands and raising cross-worshiping children, rather female voters are part of the democratic taghut that decrees the crusades to be waged against Islam and the Muslims, and are thus just as actively responsible for the Muslim blood being spilled as the male, Crusader soldier on the frontlines."