Kohl's rewards 'Chewbacca mask' woman with gift cards and TONS of Star Wars toys

DALLAS (Christian Examiner) – The joyful Texas woman whose Chewbacca mask video went viral has been rewarded by Kohl's with gift cards, reward points – and three more Chewbacca masks.
Kohl's posted a video Saturday showing Kohl's officials, outside her home, thanking her for her loyalty.
"It is crazy," Candace Payne said, referencing the viral video that, according to Facebook stats, has received more than 118 million views. In the viral video, she laughs about a mask she bought at Kohl's.
"We don't want you to stress about having to share your Chewbacca mask," a Kohl's official said, joking. He then handed her three more masks – for her husband, daughter and son.
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He also gave her $2,500 in Kohl's gift cards and said she would have 10,000 rewards points added to her account. Additionally, her family received more Star Wars toys.
"We want to thank you for being a loyal Kohl's shopper. We can't tell you how much we appreciate that," he said.
As Christian Examiner previously reported, Payne said her laughter and joy comes from her relationship with Christ.
"As far as the joy aspect, it is much deeper than the Chewbacca mask," Payne said. "It was fun watching it go viral and fun watching people get some joy out of it, too."
Payne has been a worship leader since age 14. She sings, plays the guitar and writes music. She has also been on mission trips to Zambia, Africa.
"We have a heart for our local church and just being obedient to God in the way we raise our kids and love our friends," Payne said.