5 New Year tips to guide your retirement

by Chris Hogan, The Success Edge |

HOUSTON (Christian Examiner) -- If you want to make 2015 the best year of your life, you need to put financial habits in place that will set you up for long-term success.

Chris Hogan, financial expert and speaker for Ramsey Solutions, has five tips to help you take control of your retirement in 2015.

1) Get out of debt -- fast! Imagine how much you could save with your debt gone! No payments to MasterCard. No payments to the bank. No payments to Sallie Mae. That's a lot of money that stays in your pocket!

2) Start saving NOW! Whether you're 25 or 65, it's never too early or too late to start saving. Make sure you have an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses in place, and then begin investing 15% of your income into your retirement. To get a vision for what your retirement looks like and the steps you need to reach your retirement goals, sign up for my free R:IQ assessment at www.chrishogan360.com.

3) Never use 401(k) funds as an emergency fund! Don't steal from your future. Your retirement is NOT your emergency fund!

4) Never cash out 401(k)s when switching jobs. That will bring a 40 percent tax hit. Isn't the government already taking enough from you? Don't give them more than you have to! Roll the money over into your new retirement account.

5) Remember, personal finance is all about behavior change. Success with money is 20 percent head knowledge and 80 percent behavior. Change your behavior, and you'll change your money situation!

-- A popular and dynamic speaker on the topics of financial education and leadership, Chris Hogan also works with business and high-profile clients across the country, helping them develop strategies to increase revenues, build wealth, and secure their financial futures. For more information about Chris, visit www.chrishogan360.com or follow him on Twitter @ChrisHogan360.