Woman attempts to kill pro-life supporters praying outside abortion clinic

AUSTIN, Texas (Christian Examiner) -- Police in Austin, Texas, arrested a woman March 23 who threw a gasoline bomb at pro-life activists gathered for daily prayer outside an Austin Planned Parenthood facility.
A group from the Central Texas Coalition for Life reportedly stood praying outside the clinic when a car drove by and a passenger threw a flaming object early yesterday evening. The device turned out to be a gasoline-filled bottle with a rag fuse, a type of homemade bomb known as a "Molotov cocktail."
LifeSite News reported a member of the prayer group stomped on the burning rag to stop the possibility of an explosion. Another member took a photo of the vehicle's license plate number while someone else called to report the incident to police. Authorities caught the woman and took her into custody later that night.

"We are so thankful that none of our courageous volunteers were injured during the incident. Because of their quick actions, the woman responsible was apprehended and will be held accountable," Heather Gardner, Central Texas Coalition for Life Executive Director told LifeSite News in a written statement.
Abby Johnson, the organization's board president, said the violent act was not surprising "in the culture of death perpetrated by abortion supporters."
"We are here to promote peace in and out of the womb, something abortion supporters do not understand," Johnson's written statement said.
Despite events of the day before, the group continued its daily prayer vigil the next day and posted a photo on their Facebook with the statement "We will not be deterred!!"
The group's social media page stated it was not the first time someone had thrown objects at the pro-lifers, but indicated this particular incident was "a more direct threat." The post thanked those who take a bold stand for life and requested prayer for the woman facing charges.
According to Breitbart Texas, the Austin Police Department confirmed the woman's arrest, but indicated it was unclear if APD would handle the case or give it to a federal agency.