The Battle Is Great in the Warfare for the Souls of Man

Perhaps the reason I'm writing this article is the fact that it seems at least one report a month is coming in of another pastor or Christian leader falling in America. Maybe it is because this demonic spirit has attacked my own life, more times than I care to remember. More than anything, I think it's my God given love for the church and precious pastors that are some of my favorite people in the world. They landscape my family tree back for several generations; my mothers line alone has about a dozen, all the way back to the Mayflower, and beyond.
The word "whore" is not a popular word in our American culture. We prefer more politically correct words like "sexually promiscuous" or "sex trade worker" as we are so good at in our cultural colloquialism. However, the Word of God holds no punches in solid translations, when it comes to describing this seductive spirit of great evil.
Revelation 17:1,2 (KJV) "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and talked with me saying unto me, Come hither; I will show unto thee the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication."
If you read on in that chapter, this woman is the epitome of wickedness. Deception being Satan's favorite tool, I would like to offer a very stern warning to pastors and Christian leaders everywhere. A couple of prophetic revelations have come to me as I traveled from church to church. These revelations shine a light on the subtle trickeries of darkness.
As I traveled around, I kept seeing something related to one of the revelations that troubled me greatly. It was pastors that in my opinion were a little "too friendly" with ladies in the church. I never felt it was so "over the top flirtatious" that I felt I needed to take the brother aside and talk to him about it, yet some time would pass and then I would see it somewhere else, so I sought the Lord about it.
Pastors and Christian leaders, I'm sure you are aware that many of the women in our congregations have a somewhat less than perfect marriage and/or home environment. Often husbands foolishly treat their wives poorly showing them little appreciation and kindness. Other women are widows, and very vulnerable. Along we come with our charismatic smiles and our words of encouragement. We so appreciate any and all who will come and volunteer for the many things that need to be done in the church. Therefore we want to make sure we treat them nice right? Then there are the "more precious than gold" piano players that are way too few and far between anymore. So we really show them a lot of extra appreciation in every way that we can! If there can ever be anyone more valuable than a pianist, it's a great church secretary, or treasurer, or BOTH! Wow thank you Jesus, right? What would we do without them? Herein however, lies the foundation for one of the greatest traps that Satan is setting in these last days; the emotional affair!
The Lord very firmly spoke to my heart on this issue and said: "Many pastors have ignorantly formed for themselves an 'emotional harem' in their church." They fully understand that an ounce of appreciation to a damaged heart is worth far more than a pound of pay! However they do not realize that within these scarred hearts lies an intense longing to be kindly loved by a man. They do not realize that, either consciously or subconsciously, they are creating a formula for disaster. An affair will ruin their marriage, scar their wife and children for life, cost them their ministry at that church, and become a huge stumbling block possibly leading the weak to leave the church, never to follow God again! Satan knows this and can even make a plain apple seem sweet and juicy on the inside and desirous for the taking.
Then on the other hand, there is the one that we should know to look out for! As one brother approached me a few years ago and said: "Brother Nolan God by His Spirit is warning that Satan is going to unleash on the church in these last days satanic demonically inspired beautiful women that will be sent to destroy ministries and churches." At the time it seemed far-fetched. Now we all are affected by this last days loosing of demonic seduction.
"Street Porn" is everywhere. Street porn is displayed by women who either consciously or unconsciously dress in a way to draw attention to the sexual parts of their body. I believe this "whorish" spirit is part of the Revelations warning that we need to take heed of in the church today. They are not stylish they are seducers of men!
Last week I found an online photo that went well with a Facebook theme God gave me. The Spirit of God spoke to my heart that morning and said "Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing!" I then found a photographic illustration of a wolf wrapped in a sheep-skin and peaking above the flock. I posted the following statement above it as I believe the Lord led. "The Spirit of the Lord is saying: "Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing and this is the age where we must recognize the fierceness of the she-wolf!"
Read more about warfare for the souls of man on The Christian Post.