STARNES: Ferguson cops latest victims in war on police

NEW YORK (Christian Examiner) -- Whether they admit it or not, the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri got what they wanted this week. Two police officers ambushed -- Blue Blood spilled on the streets, the latest casualties in a government-sanctioned war on law enforcement.
At some point you have to wonder when the police are just going say, "You know what folks? Just patrol your own blasted streets."
For months now, the White House has used Ferguson to advance a false narrative about racism in America. "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" -- a lie. A bald-faced lie.
Instead jetting off to Ferguson on Air Force One to console the officers and deliver a pro-law enforcement speech, President Obama flew right over Ferguson on his way to Hollywood, where he made a case for moral equivalency on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"
He also tweeted: "Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. - bo"
With all due respect, Mr. President - that's a bunch of BS.

There's a war on cops - government-sanctioned mobs out to satisfy their bloodlust. And that's all you've got? A hundred forty characters and a late-night punchline?
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Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less America."