Tim Tebow Act gives homeschooled kids access to public school activities

JACKSON, Miss. (Christian Examiner) - Mississippi may be the next state to provide homeschooled students access to extra-curricular activities at public schools.
According to Mississippi News Now, State Sen. Joey Fillingane (R-Sumrall) authored the bill entitled the "Tim Tebow Act" and is spearheading the proposal to allow homeschoolers the option to compete with peers who attend public schools.
Several other states have adopted similar laws named for the former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow who was home schooled and allowed to take part in Florida High School Athletic Association sports.
The news source reported Fillingane wrote the bill with tax paying parents in mind and has already been in talks with the Mississippi High School Activities Association regarding the legislation. District rules would remain in tact to prohibit schools from creating an advantage through biased selection.
At least 29 other states already allow varying forms of the legislation according to a January 2014 resource from the Coalitions for Responsible Home Education. While some allow full access to extra curricular activities, others require students to seek school district approval. Still others require home schooled students to be dual enrolled or enrolled part time to participate in interscholastic activities.
Mississippi is among 13 other states that are currently proposing legislation for equal access, including Alabama, Arkansas and Kentucky that specifically have drafted "Tim Tebow" bills.