Local GOP rejects Idaho is 'Christian'

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho (Christian Examiner) -- A resolution by a group of Idaho Republicans seeking to formally declare the state as Christian was rejected by local GOP officials late Tuesday.
The Spokesman-Review reported late in the day that a meeting held by the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee rejected the declaration proposed by Precinct Committeeman Hans Neumann.
A motion by another committeeman, Bjorn Handeen, removed the resolution from consideration and tabled the resolution without a formal vote because two-thirds of the 70-member Central Committee attending the regularly scheduled monthly meeting were opposed to the proposal.
Handeen, previously told Reuters he was opposed to any document that puts the government in charge of defining Christianity.
A draft of the non-binding resolution, which was mostly symbolic, cited "hostility on the Christian faith" in the U.S. as one of the reason for the proposed motion to preserve "the Judeo-Christian bedrock of the founding of the United States."
The meeting, which was open to the public was held at the Kootenai County Administration Building at 7 p.m. and drew standing room only attendance.