Hold your nose and vote

NEW YORK -- It's Election Day and since we're all friends around here, I hope you don't mind if I cut to the chase.
The Republicans and the Democrats are running some stinkers today. A Fox News national poll recently found that most voters think it would be good if every member of Congress got the boot.

The mid-term election should be a blowout for the Republicans – but it's not. And I'm afraid that's because the GOP has given us candidates that are — how can I put this nicely – thick-headed.
I've read your email and your tweets and I know that conservatives and Christians are not happy with the Republicans.
I know your GOP candidate may not own a house in the state he represents. I know your GOP candidate may have portrayed his Tea Party opponent as a racist. I know your GOP candidate may have ridiculed his primary opponent for not having a college degree. I know, folks. It's terrible. I get it.
But that's not the point of this election. The point of this election is to save the Republic – no matter the cost.
A Fox News poll indicates 62 percent of American voters lack confidence in President Obama's leadership. Even 30 percent of Democrats don't have confidence in the president.
The poll also found that only 36 percent of American voters are confident in his leadership — and those folks more than likely live in states where it's legal to buy marijuana.
And the only way to spare the country more agony is for you to vote.
Who you vote for is your business. But I don't mind telling you who I'm going to vote for.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who will defend unborn Americans.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who will protect traditional American values – who puts Americans first – not the illegals.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who still believes "In the beginning, God..."
I'm going to vote for the candidate who won't leave Americans behind in Benghazi or a Marine behind in Mexico.
I'm going to vote for a candidate who won't abandon our allies – a person who sides with Israel over her enemies.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who won't call terrorism an act of workplace violence.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who won't play the race card — who will judge a man by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who won't subpoena Christian pastors or force nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who won't audit the Tea party or demand that pro-life groups turn over the contents of their prayers.
I'm going to vote for the candidate who still believes we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the Earth – one nation still under God.
That's who I'm going to vote for.
So bring a can of Febreeze to the poll, take a few squirts and vote for the less stinky of the candidates.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join hisFacebook page, and follow him onTwitter. He is the author of "God Less America," a documentation of the Obama Administration's attack on erligious liberty. Click here to get your copy.