Duck Commander family in Vegas strip show

LAS VEGAS (Christian Examiner) -- Duck Dynasty fans can hope to include musical theater into their cultural experience this February as "The Duck Commander Family Musical" aims to take stage in Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel and Casino.
Based on the book The Duck Commander Family, written by Duck Commander chief executive Willie Robertson and wife Korie, the 2015 theatrical production is expected to trade the hit TV show's first person narrative for an alternative point of view. The couple reportedly has approval rights over the script and casting.
Robertson in a statement to the New York Times said the impending musical has been "a great ride so far."
"We've enjoyed the process of making a musical alongside the team who is interested in telling the Robertson family story from an outside perspective," Robertson said.
Already the project has drawn criticism from several Broadway producers who still feel stirred by family patriarch Phil Robertsons' comparison of homosexuality to bestiality last December in a GQ interview. Robertson, who was suspended for his remarks, explained he was quoting the Bible. "I am just reading what was written over 2,000 years ago," he said. "Those who live like this will not inherit the Kingdom. All I did was quote from the Scriptures."
While both the show's producer, Michael David ("Jersey Boys"), and musical's director, Jeff Calhoun ("Newsies"), said they were offended by Phil Robertson's comments, the two have chosen to address the remarks in the musical instead of not working on the project. Exactly how they will address it has not been publicized.
"The show will end up challenging the views and assumptions of people across the political spectrum, more than most theater does," David told the New York Times. "The Robertsons are so unusual, their story so juicy, and theater shouldn't be limited to telling stories about people you resemble or revere."
One of the show's composers, Steven Morris, said the music can also be expected to be surprising and broad.
"I think the expectation is that it'll be all chicken-pickin' stuff and banjos, but what we're trying to do is pull out as much heart, humor and sincerity as we can to keep people surprised," Morris said.