Christian school under fire for prohibiting gay conduct, gay parents

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Christian Examiner) -- A private Christian school in Nashville came under fire Friday for refusing to admit the children of a same-sex couple earlier this month. A standing policy lists homosexuality as unacceptable conduct at the non-denominational school.
Nashville real estate agent Brian Copeland, took to Facebook January 21 for a sense of justice when he received a letter from the undisclosed school stating they could not grant admission to Copeland's children due to the following section on the school's Admission Policy in the parent/student handbook:
"Davidson Academy requires all its students, parents or guardians, teachers, administrators, staff, and trustees to manifest lifestyle conduct and actions which project an image consistent with the expressed purposes, mission, and beliefs of the school. Any lifestyle conduct which is in opposition to the mission of Davidson Academy or which impedes the school's credibility with its constituency or the general public is unacceptable. One example of such lifestyle is homosexuality."
Though Copeland did not reveal the name of the school in his widely shared Facebook post, The Tennessean reported that the letter's referenced policy matched that of Davidson Academy.
Copeland, who was legally married in California in 2003 to Greg Bullard, pastor of Covenant of the Cross Church in Madison, said he did not intend to pursue legal action. The father of two told The Tennessean that he and Bullard's goal is "not to harm the school" but to show that "discrimination and inequality is alive and well."
Surprisingly, a number of alumni expressed disappointment in the alleged discrimination, though it appears the policy had been in place for some time and applied to the conduct of parents and guardians as well as students and faculty.
In the letter Copeland received, the school indicated its intention was not to discriminate but simply to uphold a biblical standard which adhered to their statement of faith.
"Just as you believe strongly in affirming all persons who worship at your church, we believe strongly in a strict interpretation of the Scriptures regarding the institution of marriage," the letter says.