Amazon-sold ISIS magazine included theological justification for torture of Yazidi children

SEATTLE, Wash. (Christian Examiner) -- Online retailer Amazon recently pulled a number of Islamic State magazines -- including one with a feature of the militant's theological justification for the barbaric treatment of Yazidi women and children -- previously available for sale on its website and published through the Seattle-based company's CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
The newsletter-type propaganda was available for purchase in English on Amazon's UK, US, France, Germany, Italy and Spain websites.
While online, the description summary of the publications described them as periodicals that included "photo reports of current events from ISIS," according to UK news source, The Telegraph.
Additionally, the seller's narrative claimed the magazines featured information around issues of "tawhid (unity), manhaj (truth-seeking), hijrah (migration), jihad (holy war), and jama'ah (community)" the news source reported.
The ISIS' "Dabiq" magazines are used as recruitment tools and available through the retailer as of May 24 by the Al Hayat Media Center, a known ISIS media outlet.
The name "Dabiq" is reportedly given as a symbolic name associated with a Syrian town and tied to an Islamic apocalyptic prophesy. The prophesy credits the town as the site of an end-time war between Muslims and those considered Muslims' enemies and romanticizes the restoration of an Islamic golden age and the ushering in of a new caliphate based on holy war.
British journalist John Cantlie, is credited for writing a number of the stories. Some believe these accounts have successfully served to recruit British youth to join the Islamic extremists.
An online image search for the paperback publications appear to include articles describing gruesome acts by the terrorists.
Amazon removed the four volumes available from all of its online stores over the weekend. A written statement to BBC News from the company limited any details about the matter and simply read "This product is no longer available for sale."
Though no longer for sale on Amazon, the magazines can be downloaded for free on other ISIS websites. The magazine retailed between $7 and $26.