University of Hawaii performs gruesome abortion experiment on 14 year olds

HONOLULU (Christian Examiner) -- A controversial abortion study at the University of Hawaii is allowing patients as young as 14 to risk hemorrhage and possibly death following second trimester abortions.
"It is appalling to read the details of this particular experiment especially considering that they are using test subjects as young as 14 years old. It's just heartbreaking," Troy Newman told independent news agency
"I have read too many autopsy reports of women who bled to death during abortions to think this is anything but immoral and ghoulish," said Newman, who is president of Opeation Rescue, a pro-life activist organization.
The ongoing clinical trial "Effects of Oxytocin on Bleeding Outcomes During Dilation and Evacuation" began in October 2014 and is currently recruiting participants who are 14-50 years old and desire to terminate a pregnancy at 18 to 24 weeks gestation.
The study is a collaboration between UH, Society of Family Planning and the University of Washington. Procedures for the trial are conducted in an outpatient setting in Washington and a hospital in Hawaii. Currently the study's recruiters seek to add more participants for a total of 166 patients by July 2015.
The stated purpose of the study indicates researchers aim to identify ways to decrease a mother's blood loss during a dilation and extraction abortion. Commonly used for second trimester abortions, the D & E method uses scissors or other instruments to rip apart an unborn baby while it is still in the womb, and then suctions out the various organs and dismembered parts. Typically medication is needed to reduce bleeding in the mother who undergoes this gruesome procedure.
In this study, researchers are performing "randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials" to determine the affect of oxytocin's routine use during a D&E.
Plainly stated, some patients receive oxytocin during the abortion to control bleeding while others do not.
Researchers then monitor a variety of outcomes, including blood loss at the time of the procedure, complication rates and pain levels afterwards.
Girls as young as 14 years old are being recruited to be experimented upon.
"This study is reminiscent of Nazi concentration camp experiments. I pity the poor women who are being treated like lab rats, especially those who are denied the drug to reduce hemorrhaging," Newman said.
Whether or not patients received medication to reduce bleeding, researchers' evaluations stop after study participants are released. This means there is "no additional follow up after discharge home," to ensure the lab subjects do not bleed to death or suffer other complications -- even if excessive blood loss occurred during the procedure. Likewise, postoperative complications are not evaluated or assessed as part of the trial.
To date, no study results have been published.