4 Christian books to strengthen marriage and family bonds of love

These four books on marriage, family and love will help readers more deeply explore their family relationships.

For Women Only and For Men Only are research-backed books based on surveys conducted upon thousands of women and men across the country, as well as in focus groups, conferences and small meetings. The book for women is written so they can gain a greater understanding of how men think; and vice-versa for the book for men. These books are designed to give both deep and broad insights into the ways that one's husband or wife thinks, thus promoting better communication and service in marriage and love. (Click here to purchase For Women Only and For Men Only now.)

Friends, Partners, and Lovers is by Kevin A. Thompson, an Arkansas pastor and blogger. The book reads as a practical guide with lots of real tips about how to live as a husband and wife. Biblically, the book's concepts are largely based on the early chapters of Genesis, when God created Adam and Eve and in the garden together, with the title referencing the various roles and types of relationships God gave the first man and woman. (Click here to purchase Friends, Partners, and Lovers now.)

The Meaning of Marriage tackles marriage from a Christian worldview. The book is written by well-known author and pastor Tim Keller. (Click here to purchase The Meaning of Marriage now.)

Be the Best Mom You Can Be / Be a Better Dad Today! by Marina and Gregory Slayton, respectively, were written to strengthen parents. Gregory Slayton, having grown up without a real father, strongly believes fatherhood (and motherhood) are extremely important. The books are also available in Chinese. (Click here to purchase Be the Best Mom You Can Be / Be a Better Dad Today!)

BONUS: The Five Love Languages is a classic book for couples to better understand each other. In it, Christian marriage counselor Dr. Gary Chapman showcases five ways to help couples communicate love to one another, including through acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch and the giving of gifts. Chapman shares how each person has primary ways of giving and receiving love, and couples understanding and practicing this dynamic method of showing love based on love languages will thrive. (Click here to purchase The Five Love Languages now.)
"For love, we will climb mountains, cross seas, traverse desert sands, and endure untold hardships. Without love, mountains become unclimbable, seas uncrossable, deserts unbearable, and hardships our lot in life."
? Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
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