15 Amazon Necessities That Will Enrich Even Your Most Intimidating Christian Reading: Moleskine

While growing deeper through the reading of classical literature, all kinds of thoughts and ideas come to mind. Capturing these ideas in one place is essential, be it in a journal, notebook, loose-leaf paper, or on a smart device. You will enjoy smooth writing on the Moleskine Classic Notebook—one of the best-quality notebooks you will ever encounter. According to Moleskine, this legendary notebook was used "by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries: among them Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Bruce Chatwin." Other solid notebooks include the Lemome Classic and the Rocketbook Wave Smart Notebook—a notebook which stores your notes in the cloud and that you can reuse after popping it in the microwave—yes, a microwave oven, folks.