Headline News

13-year-old runaway who was trafficked now rescues other women

With little more than her past to help her, Windie Lazenko makes regular rounds of neon-lit strip clubs and bars across western North Dakota and eastern Montana, constantly on the lookout for women being trafficked by pimps, some beaten if they do not bring in $1,000 a day from their \"johns\" in ...

Mother: God touched 6-year-old's teacher to donate kidney

Six-year-old Matthew Parker has needed a kidney transplant for two years, since the one he received at age two began to fail. Doctors only gave him a one percent chance of finding a second donor. But God \"put it in someone\'s heart,\" Lisa Parker, Matthew\'s mom, said—and that person is his first ...

Science skeptics dazzle warming believers

A Yale University law professor unwittingly debunked global warming believers\' negative stereotype of \"uninformed\" climate skeptics when he gave people in both groups a nine-question test.People who believe in global warming tend to think that people who do not believe in a man-made crisis, do ...

'No-God' movement gains steam with Tony Campolo's son at its helm

College students at the University of Southern California who want community without church, good without God, and support without what their new leader calls \"supernatural stuff\" -- now have a new place to go.And former United Methodist youth minister Bart Campolo – son of Baptist Evangelist ...

Bringing the 'C' back to the 'Y' in 'YMCA'

Bob Hall and Larry Whittlesey want to make the \"C\" an active part again of the \"Y\" again.Hall is president and CEO of the Columbia/Willamette Young Men\'s Christian Association in Portland, and Whittlesey is director of US Mission Network, a subsidiary of the this YMCA chapter.\"Knowing what\'s ...

Girls avoid liars & narcissists; guys flee divas & Delilah's

Valentine\'s is the time of year when the internet abounds with advice about love and marriage for guys and ladies. And advice about those the lovelorn should avoid. In this article of lists are descriptions including the obvious -- and not so obvious -- characteristics marriage experts compiled to ...

This couples fries fish as a ministry of love

It is as much a love story as it is a fish story.When Earl and Ruby Bigelow, both in their 90\'s and married 72 years ago on February 26, retired in 1982 it was not his last sermon or his last time of service in the ministry.Now the couple uses fish fries to minister to others, Believers and the ...

Kayla Mueller wrote she 'surrendered' to God in ISIS prison

ISIS captive Kayla Mueller, whose death was confirmed by the White House Feb. 10, may best be remembered for her humanitarian efforts or for the contents of a handwritten letter she wrote to her parents in which she said she had \"surrendered\" to God -- and learned that \"even in prison, one can ...

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