'Teen Wolf' season 5 spoilers: Dread Doctors to be unmasked by end of the season

by Anelom Rizelle Adriatico, |
MTV/Teen Wolf

The fifth season of "Teen Wolf" is about to end, but Scott's pack still seems to be marred by complications.

The Dread Doctors may no longer pose as much of a threat as they used to; however, it isn't until the end of the fifth season that viewers will be able to discover who the menacing people are behind the masked surgeons. After bringing about monsters and eventually developing The Beast, fans of the TV series will finally be able to know the identity of the show's villains.

Showrunner Jeff Davis told Entertainment Weekly that in order to tie the loose ends of the show, the identity of The Beast and The Dread Doctors will be unmasked. In addition, he expounded on the purpose of the ending of season 5B.

He said: "We've been treating the 20 episodes as one storyline, so this thing will wrap up in 520. You'll know the fate of the Dread Doctors, you'll know the fate of all our characters, and how it leads to season 6."

However, with several old villains returning, the lives of the viewers' favorite characters do not rest solely on the Doctors. In the same interview, Davis further stated that everyone has their own agenda in defeating The Beast of Gevaudan, the most dangerous werewolf. Gerard Argent is intent on helping Scott McCall to vanquish The Beast of Gevaudan because he wants to restore the good name of his family. In a sense, this would lead to immortality, while The Dread Doctors have their own purpose in defeating the monster.

Davis said: "Everyone is using the resurrection of The Beast of Gevaudan to their advantage. Theo wants its power and Gerard wants the legacy of his family back -- if they can defeat the Beast of Gevaudan again, he believes he'll restore the good name of the Argents to its legacy." 

Meanwhile, the 17th episode of season 5B will air on Tuesday, Feb. 16, on MTV.