Other articles by Vanessa Garcia Rodriguez

Memorial to unborn replaces abortion clinic

An abandoned abortion clinic near Toledo may soon become a memorial for unborn aborted children.The former \"Center for Choice\" closed its doors in 2013 after having opened in 1983. Prior to its closing, it served patients from Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana.

NYC doctor bowled, jogged & used the subway before Ebola diagnosis

Another American who contracted Ebola in West Africa was diagnosed with the virus in New York late Thursday night, Oct. 23. Dr. Craig Spencer, 33, a physician with the charity group Doctors without Borders, is the first reported case in the highly populated New York City. The organization today ...

Celebs LeBeouf, Bieber & Gomez tweet, talk faith

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Shia LeBeouf are among a growing crowd of Hollywood celebrities who don\'t shy away from using social media to tweet in church and share their deepest spiritual insights in interviews.

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