Widow's gift in Salvation Army kettle more than a 'mite' for needy kids

Widow's gift in Salvation Army kettle more than a 'mite' for needy kids

A widow put more than a \"mite\" into a Salvation Army red kettle in Boston, Mass., dropping in a wedding band and engagement ring valued at $1,850. But another widow redeemed the items for more than \"10 times\" their worth with the desire to return the rings to the donor. Each widow wanted to do ...

Other articles by Vanessa Garcia Rodriguez

Voters repeal Fayetteville, Arkansas, transgender ordinance

Residents of Fayetteville, Arkansas, voted by special election on Tuesday, Dec. 9 to repeal a Civil Rights Ordinance passed by their City Council in August. The law, which included protections for homosexual, bisexual and transgender people, was overturned by a vote of 52 percent for the repeal and ...

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