Other articles by Vanessa Garcia Rodriguez

No religious upbringing, high Internet use cause 'nones'

As more Americans increasingly claim to be \"religiously unaffiliated,\" the question of why has been broadly speculated. A Massachusetts computer scientist claims the answer can be found-- at least in part-- by looking at \"no religious upbringing\" and increased use of the internet.

Legal age may move up in smokes

California and Utah anti-smoking advocates aim to see the number of teen smokers plunge with proposed legislation raising the legal smoking age from 18 to 21.

Bama's LGBT couples still denied marriage, maybe

Despite a ruling by federal appeals court Tuesday requiring Alabama judges to recognize same-sex marriages, the state\'s top judicial official has told judges they do not have to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Women are ready for leadership, are Americans ready for them to lead?

A change in the landscape of women at work over the years, shows women are equipped and ready for leadership roles according to a new PEW survey conducted November 12-21, 2014 on women and leadership. But the limited number of actual women in leadership poses the question, are Americans ready for ...

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