Franklin Graham: Love gays and lesbians
Love gays and lesbians was the message Franklin Graham shared with his Facebook followers.
Love gays and lesbians was the message Franklin Graham shared with his Facebook followers.
New research reveals that teen pot smokers damage the actual shape of their brains, causing long term memory problems as adults.
A Michigan pastor has received threats for reportedly preaching the \"common ideology of a conservative church.\"
An awareness campaign to educate people of Girl Scouts\' pro-choice affiliations recently came under fire for the ongoing boycott of cookie sales as critics claim the ban only punishes Girl Scout participants.
When the Idaho Senate convened with a Hindu prayer last week three Republican legislators refused to attend the opening invocation because of their shared belief that America is a Christian nation.
Military personnel at Georgia\'s Robins Air Force Base received instruction to stop imparting the greeting \"have a blessed day\" after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained to the leader of the base security guards.
A local pastor\'s wife received fines and a citation for \"unnecessary noise\" after practicing her faith by prayer walking her hometown\'s streets last month.
The Pew Research Center released findings of a 2013 poll Friday demonstrating that Americans are split between the ideas that homosexuality is \"the way some choose to live\" and whether people are simply born gay or lesbian.
A Barna survey released last week claims 39 percent of millennials who say worship is not important look to find God outside of church. Surprisingly, however, only 8 percent of millennials said church is \"out of date.\" Overall, a dichotomy of exists among the demographic which swings widely.
Therapists who offer reparative or conversion therapy to help gay people seeking psychological help for same-sex attraction will no longer be permitted to advertise in Psychology Today magazine.