Former SEALs chaplain could be kicked out of Navy for Christian beliefs
A young gay officer has trumped up charges against a decorated Navy chaplain in a case that might end the Assemblies of God minister\'s military career.
A young gay officer has trumped up charges against a decorated Navy chaplain in a case that might end the Assemblies of God minister\'s military career.
Lake Worth officials ordered one of their city employees to go undercover and spy on Common Ground Church. City Commissioner Andy Amoroso is alleged to have called the congregation \"anti-gay\" and may have prompted the action in response to the pastor\'s visit to correct the business owner that ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the United States this week, sounding the alarm on a potential nuclear deal between the United States and Iran that could threaten the survival of Israel.
A Washington judge ruled Feb. 18 that Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene\'s Flowers in Richland, Washington, violated the law when she refused to provide flowers to a same-sex couple for their wedding.Worse still, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson is seeking legal fees and penalties not ...
The White House is holding a three-day confab on violent extremism -- but they will not allow anyone to mention Islamic extremism. Todd Starnes, FOX News commentator asks: \"If you can\'t say it -- how can you fight it?\"
It was another weekend of bloodletting by the radical followers of Mohammed. By now you\'ve seen the images - 21 Coptic Christians - slaughtered on a Libyan beach by radical Islamic extremists. The White House denounced what they called the \"murder of Egyptian Citizens\" -- not Christians -- ...
FOX news commentator Todd Starnes asks in his \"American Dispatch\" video if the Air Force is allowing itself to be bullied by atheists.
A Florida high school student was disciplined after a national atheist organization took offense when he concluded the morning announcements by saying \"God Bless America.\" A spokesperson for the Nassau County School District told me the student at Yulee High School deviated from the approved ...
Instead of studying English, teenagers at a California high school were publicly shamed for disagreeing with speakers who were allowed to push an LGBT agenda class, according to several upset parents. Students from the Queer Student Alliance presented their views in class, forcing students to ...
President Obama called on people of faith to reject those who use religion to justify evil – and in doing so – reminded people about the terrible things done in the name of Jesus Christ.Obama told a gathering Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast that we have seen \"professions of faith used ...