Other articles by Staff

Camille Cosby defends husband, Bill, suggests he's the victim

Bill Cosby\'s wife, Camille, came to his defense for the first time since the multiple accusations surfaced claiming that the acclaimed African-American comedian had drugged and sexually assaulted women over decades. On Monday, Mrs. Cosby described her husband as a \"kind man\" and said he was a ...

Jeb Bush 'explores' 2016 Oval Office run; courting evangelicals

Jeb Bush is exploring a possible run for president of the United States in 2016, the former Florida governor announced Tuesday. The politician and brother of former President George W. Bush said he decided after consulting with his family over the Thanksgiving holiday. He previously has met with ...

141 dead, 245 injured in horrific Taliban school attack

Taliban gunmen attacked a Pakistan school leaving 141 people dead and another 245 injured. One hundred thirty-two of those killed were children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 16, and the other 9 were school staff. Seven terrorists carried out the siege on the Army Public School and Degree ...

Aussie special forces end standoff with Iranian jihadist gunman

The Sydney hostage crisis is over as Australian special forces stormed the Lindt Chocolat Café where a gunman held 16 people captive. Man Haron Monis, an Iranian jihadist, had been wielding a shotgun and a machete while demanding to speak with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot.

Sandy Hook parents to file wrongful death suit for 2012 shooting

The families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School pre-schoolers who were killed in the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, shooting are planning to file a wrongful death suit, according to reports. Parents of 11 out of the 20 first-graders killed made legal preparations that would allow them to sue in court, ...

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