3 prayer priorities for America — January 2019
Now is the time to pray for America. The year of 2019 before us yearns for God's people from all over the world to pray for America. We are living in serious and critical times.
Now is the time to pray for America. The year of 2019 before us yearns for God's people from all over the world to pray for America. We are living in serious and critical times.
If I asked you what the leading cause of death in the world is, I imagine the first answer to pop into your mind would be a disease such as cancer. It wouldn't be a bad guess — cancer kills more than 8 million people every year. But it's not the right answer.
Busyness. Fatigue. Negligence. Each of these serves as reasons most pastors do not make physical fitness part of their normal day. In our vocation, there seems to be a major disconnect among us regarding the importance of our physical condition.
Many years ago, when my wife Jeana was diagnosed with cancer, it was a wake-up call for us. At that time we had two young boys, a large and growing church, and a great life. But when cancer struck my 35-year-old wife and led to surgeries, ruthless chemotherapy treatments, and additional radiation ...
Frankly, I was not surprised when Pastor Andrew Brunson said that praying and knowing people were praying for him kept him sane and hopeful after being imprisoned in Turkey.
When you make a decision in your life, how do you know it is the right thing to do?Quick decision making often results in poor decision making. Conversely, long and drawn out decision making can paralyze your life as well as others who look to you for leadership. Is there a way to know we are ...
As the pastor goes, so goes the church. As the church goes, so goes America. With all I am, I believe this.
We have never been where we are today as a nation. No longer can the people of God be silent before the Lord.
There's always a time for prayer. But our culture doesn't seem to think so.