When you need to move forward
A central Florida mom talks about packing up her home and moving on by \"moving one foot forward\" and \"choosing what needs to be left behind.\" And just when it gets overwhelming, she says, friends show up.
A central Florida mom talks about packing up her home and moving on by \"moving one foot forward\" and \"choosing what needs to be left behind.\" And just when it gets overwhelming, she says, friends show up.
A full-time working mom acknowledges while each woman\'s struggles are different, \"whether working is a choice or not, our hearts will always break when we can\'t be there for our children.\"
A mom\'s not-so-serious conclusion of how her children are not-so-perfect and how she came to the realization that it\'s more than OK!
A teacher, mom and writer talks about her day-to-day struggle with ADHD as an adult. \"I\'m late for everything,\" she laments. \"All the time. ... \"It\'s embarrassing.\"
An Orlando area school teacher and blogger captures the yearning of moms -- younger and older -- who get that \"only another momma understands the secrets our hearts never speak.\" Take a ride with Heather on a merry-go-round of reflection and respect for mommas.
Heather talks about choices tinged with selfish desires and how they are fails, but how knowing Jesus can bring refreshment and newness in the new year.
Staring directly at her own self-doubt and mommy-guilt at being an imperfect human being, a mom wonders aloud and finds answers to her own question on how Mary -- despite her humanity -- could have mothered Jesus. She vows to do better this year.
Has the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season distracted you from the reason we celebrate? A look at the Baby Jesus in the manger, through the eyes of a child help bring perspective to our busy lives. \"Crowns and angel wings have been chipped and glued, chipped and glued. And Baby Jesus ...