Don't waste your life doing youth ministry
You've seen the statistics and heard the horror stories. Many (if not most) teenagers abandon the church after they graduate from high school.
You've seen the statistics and heard the horror stories. Many (if not most) teenagers abandon the church after they graduate from high school.
Fellow preacher, if you aren't preaching the Gospel then what message of hope could you possibly bring to your congregation?
Instead of New Year's resolutions let's talk about a youth ministry revolution.
The more I travel and see youth leaders the more I'm concerned about their physical well-being.
As I travel the nation and talk to youth leaders I hear the same things when it comes to this generation of teenagers (nicknamed "Gen Z") and youth ministry in general.
If you're a pastor, church leader, youth leader or parent I am pleading for you to take youth ministry and teenagers seriously. I'm convinced that the right kind of youth ministry is necessary now more than ever before in our history as a nation.
For a decade of my life I was privileged to lead a church that was very effective at reaching the lost. Through prayer, hard work and a relentless Gospel focus we experienced strong growth primarily due to new believers being added to our church roles. During that time God taught me many hard and ...
Of course there are many factors in youth leader burnout but, after talking to thousands of youth leaders over the years, I'm convinced there is one overarching reason.
Over the years I have had the privilege of knowing, working with and serving under some great Christian leaders. These leaders were not always the flashiest but they all carried a certain gravitas that everyone could sense.
These are my five simple ideas to help improve your prayer life.