Other articles by Dr. Gregory Tomlin

COMMENTARY: Trump in the middle

When it comes to what government can do with respect to immigration, he is right. When he advocates what it should do with respect to all Muslims, he is wrong. That leaves people talking about Donald Trump, which is exactly what he wants.

COMMENTARY: On gun control, prayer and tolerance

It\'s no surprise that liberal pundits skewer Christians and politicians for \"vain\" expressions of concern for those injured and killed in mass shootings. It is surprising when Christian commentators pile on.

COMMENTARY: Trump, the PCUSA and false teaching on immigration

After comments about illegal immigration and Muslim refugees, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump receives a stern letter from the stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA), familiarizing the billionaire with the church\'s \"theological\" position on the aliens among us. Dr. Gregory ...

An Open Letter to Louis Farrakhan

Christian Examiner reporter, Gregory Tomlin, a writer and a seminary professor, pens an open letter to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, following comments by Farrakhan that statements he made in previous months about killing people have been \"misreported.\"

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