Best Christian Books about Personal Development
Part of the Top Christian Books That Will Probably Fortify Every Leader's Market Influence Series
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9. Best Christian Books about Finances
10. Best Christian Autobiographies about Business
11. Best Christian Books about Personal Development
Best Christian Books about Personal Development

See You at the Top — Zig Ziglar
For more than three decades, Zig Ziglar, one of the great motivators of our age, traveled the world, encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring audiences. His motivational best-seller, See You at the Top, remains an authentic American classic. The self-improvement book stresses the value of a healthy self-image, how to set and achieve personal goals, and the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, and character.
This book is available to purchase here.
Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God — Max Lucado

After forty years of counseling and ministry, Max Lucado has learned that nothing lifts the desperate, weary heart like the promises of God. In a world full of despair, depression, anxiety, and instability, Lucado believes people do not need more opinions or hunches; people need the definitive declarations of the mighty and loving God. For every problem in life, God has given a promise, and in this book Lucado takes a closer look at Scripture's promises and shows people how to live with an unshakable hope.
The book is available to purchase here.
Hope in the Dark: Believing God Is Good When Life Is Not — Craig Groeschel

Can God be good when life is not? In Hope in the Dark, Groeschel explores the story of the father who brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus, saying, "I believe! Help my unbelief!" In the man's sincere plea, Jesus heard the tension in the man's battle-scarred heart. He healed not only the boy but the father too, driving out the hopelessness that had overtaken him. He can do the same for people today.
As Groeschel shares his pain surrounding the current health challenges of his daughter, he acknowledges the questions people may ask in the midst of their own deepest pains: "Where was God when I was being abused?" "Why was my child born with a disability?" "Why did the cancer come back?" "Why are all my friends married and I'm alone?" He invites people to wrestle with such questions and to ask God to honor their faith and heal their unbelief.
The book is available to purchase here.
Think Like Jesus — George Barna

According to researcher George Barna, most born-again Christians live indistinctly from non-believers because they do not think any differently—which is a result of not understanding the basic truths of the Christian faith. In this book, Barna identifies seven core questions that Christians must be able to answer biblically in order to live a transformed life.
This book is available to purchase here.
The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living — Norman Vincent Peale

"This book is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life."– Norman Vincent Peale. Translated into 15 languages with more than 7 million copies sold, The Power of Positive Thinking offers the essence of Dr. Peale's profound method for mastering the problems of everyday living. The book teaches how to climb above problems to visualize solutions and then attain them, as well as simple, prayerful exercises that you can do everyday, throughout the day, to reinforce your new-found habits of happiness.
This book is available to purchase here.
Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success — John C. Maxwell

Best-selling author John C. Maxwell believes the difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. Most people are never prepared to deal with failure. But Maxwell has learned to make failure his friend, and in Failing Forward, he teaches readers to do the same.
This book is available to purchase here.