29 Introspective Christian Quotes That Will Probably Stir You

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." As you read classic and influential books, you stumble upon gems like this one—an exemplary quote from John Bunyan—words of urgency and action, yet that resonate within your soul at a level beyond just the solely practical. Constant reflection and action based on these gleanings leads one to a deeper level of the human experience.
We have compiled 29 such quotes for your contemplation. We looked for both quotes that have already impacted untold masses of people—as well as hidden jewels that are often overlooked. The quotes you are reading are actionable—you can implement many of them, even today.
These quotes have the potential to change your life and awaken your soul. Many of them cut through our excuses—the logic we feed ourselves about why we cannot achieve the Biblical ideal of love. Thousands of people have already cherished these quotes. As you read this slideshow, allow the quotes to warm and stir your heart, and deeply consider the profound actions the authors recommend you to take.