Starnes: Will You Stand With Israel – or Obama and the Iranians?

NEW YORK (Christian Examiner) -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the United States this week, sounding the alarm on a potential nuclear deal between the United States and Iran that could threaten the survival of Israel.
It's no secret that the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. These are the same people President Obama deems trustworthy enough to negotiate a nuclear deal. And for reasons that are yet unclear, the White House seems to think Israel is the bad guy.
The White House says their relationship with Israel is just peachy. And they promise they will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, period. But their period is sounding more and more like a question mark.
This administration's contempt for Israel was on full display last October when an unnamed official used a barnyard epithet to describe the prime minister -- which is ironic considering the amount of fertilizer spewing out of this White House.
And you wonder why the prime minister wants to plead his case to Congress? It's beyond disgraceful how President Obama and his administration have treated one of our most trusted allies.
It's time to choose sides, America. You can either stand with Israel or President Obama and the Islamic Republic of Iran. As for me and my house -- we stand with Israel.
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Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less America."