Pro-life leaders to risk arrest, to protest Boehner's betrayal of the unborn
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Christian Examiner) -- Pro-life advocates announced Thursday, March 5, they intend to risk arrest and take part in a peaceful protest at House Speaker John Boehner's office later this month.
The "sit-in/pray-in" event is scheduled for March 25 and intends to move Republicans to action with "The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act."
The pending legislation requires physician's to determine the "post-fertilization age" of an unborn child and prohibits someone from performing the abortion of an unborn child aged 20 weeks or greater. Some exceptions, like pregnancy resulting from rape or incest, apply, as well as circumstances where the mother's life is endangered.
An initial vote on the Act was to have occurred Jan. 22, the anniversary of the decision of Roe v. Wade. Instead, the vote was postponed and has not been rescheduled.
Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, called Republicans' non-action on the issue a broken promise.
"It was stunning that Republicans broke their promise to vote on the 'Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act' on Jan. 22, while hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists were marching in Washington, D.C. This was not only a betrayal of the pro-life movement, but a betrayal of America's children," Mahoney said in a written statement.
"As we pray and peacefully risk arrest, we are saying that Republican leadership should cease all business in the House until this legislation has been rescheduled."
Pro-life leader Jill Stanek suggested Republican leadership sought to bury the issue by drawing out the process and hoping it would be quietly forgotten.
"I hope Republican leadership does not think that with the passage of time pro-lifers will forget about the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act," Stanek said.
"Pro-lifers have been more than patient despite this betrayal. But now, two months have passed. We want the Pain Capable Act called for a vote, and for it not to be any more watered down than it already was" Stanek said referencing amendments to the Act that came to include the rape/incest exception.
In a Facebook page dedicated to the event, organizers also seek to initiate a social media campaign called #FreeTheBan. Those who do not wish to risk arrest are encouraged to offer prayer support.